Ziggo Dome By TwitterLight Amsterdam

A "good luck Team Michael x" (for tonight) was tweeted through @GeorgeMichaelNL from Ed Barker @edthejazzman, waiting to make his debut in Birmingham as the new saxophonist. Then Jay Henry from @JVoxAcademy tweeted, "Amsterdam? Very interesting place, I'm getting ready for tonight's show at Ziggo Dome Arena, nice new building." @GeorgeMichaelNL was online and full of interesting information as usual. "George will perform at the sold out Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam tonight. Its capacity is around 17,000 #SymphonicaTour". "The Ziggo Dome is also referred to as a Black Box 'cos of its shape and colour with 840,000 LED Lights #SymphonicaTour". She wasn't kidding!!! @GeorgeMOfficial tweeted, "Soundchecking Father Figure. As Henry Hey pointed out, it's our last show with Czech National Symphonia Orchestra. *sniff* @ZiggoDome". The sound check pic from Bev @GeorgeMOfficial of Father Figure showed very plush seats AND THREE separate massive rings of overhead stage lights alone!
It literally does look like a black box from the outside, rather like someone's external hard drive or what some forgetful pilot dropped on the flight path to Schiphol Airport just 25 mins away! "We found the goodies @Ziggodome #SymphonicaTour". The accompanying pic showed a large display of The Symphonica Tour merchandise on display. "And we are inside #Ziggodome". Inside it was extremely comfortable (very plumpy seats) which was appreciated, by the now aging, George Michael Dutch fans, as was the fabulous acoustics. I thought the hearing aid seat plug-ins, Tena Ladies free samples & comfy slippers under the seats were a thoughtful touch @Ziggodome!! "#Symphonica Wow Ziggo Dome is really lovely, not a cramped seat in sight LOL...(Her knees and back were severely abused by her seat in very posh circumstances previously)...We are in the middle of the row. No getting out" "No intergrated cup holders...". NO I'm not going to say what I'm now thinking or I will be lynched!

Let's hope there isn't a cock-tail hour before the show or His Nibs will be in serious bother holding onto his "principles"!! Ironically while typing this and listening to Heart Radio London, (they usually play His Nibs everyday), George Michael came on, singing Fast Love!! I'll let you draw your own conclusions (just make sure you draw your curtains first!!!). Oh Oh...I've just had a great (Irish) business idea...Forget your Jack Daniels Whiskey, Phff, spits in bucket!! BUSHMILLS are currently trying to crack the alco-pop/YOUNG female market...(They told me when I was up there on a visit this summer, honest! And yes I'm trying to suck up back into the YOUNG Dutch Lovelies, good books!). Where's me copyright application form?? "THE GEORGE MICHAEL FRISK"...Whadda ya think?? Here's me sales splurge..."Bushmill's sweet, throat tickling, smooth liquor whiskey with a drizzle of Greek honey, decadent cream and a hint of gold leaf!! A brisk but effective caress of your senses, that leaves you wanting more! Warmed and straight (!!)or chilled on the rocks, it always aims to tease!!" Ha, How apt!! Sound familiar??? Gosh imagine me having the Bushmills' Distillery on my speed dial, that's handy!!...Just me and my passion for Irish Liquid Cultural pursuits!!
Talking of Irish Cultural pursuits...2013 is the Official year of "The Gathering"!! Us Irish are supposed to further our Irish Culture of hospitality and go digging up all our Irish roots abroad! I might as well as it's the only digging I've done in a long while, except for digging myself into large holes of trouble with these defamatory reviews. Everybody is invited to Ireland who has Irish roots...for "The Gathering". As you all are related to me, (through a defective insanity gene, if you're still reading this) your all officially invited, just mention Meme at passport control and you'll be AMAZED how fast of a fast track you'll get!! Now your Royal Nibs, don't get all uptight, but I'm presently rummaging around in your roots to locate your deviant gene, the Irish one! Never mind giving me a hard time Fadi Fawaz! In this instance I'm more qualified than you to fiddle around in his roots!! (me's an archemolologist & A YOUNG Ancient historian before you lot start...anything under 1600 years is classed as modern so I'm safe!!).

Back to USEFUL information again, a pic came through and a tweet from @GeorgeMichaelNL of "10 Redburn trucks transfer about 150 tons of Symphonica equipment. Read our #Symphonica #Redburn article on our blog!" I had already a few days before! It was short, sweet, interesting & to the point with classy visuals!! Wonder would they give me lessons?? Meanwhile I'll waffle on and get to the interesting bit The Concert!! "Everyone is inside the #Ziggodome now". "Waiting you know what we see...A pic of the famous red curtain came through...another pic was posted with the tweet "The famous red (in fact black) curtain #Symphonica" and the pic showed the same curtain now black. "#Symphonica curtain is blowing in the wind Lol. Not sure what they're doing backstage to make it move like that." "the @Ziggodome is packed to the roof for @GeorgeMichael #Symphonica". "Show scheduled to start in about 45 minutes. Although the show is scheduled for around 8pm it usually starts closer to 8.30GM!!", "I'm coming out soon for pictures...Meet me on the floor! Bev #Symphonica". Poor Bev, meet her?? They very nearly had her on the floor in the stampede! "Whoa that was a lot of photos!" "Any second now its 8pm George Michael Time (GMT) ;)." Aaw bless they mustn't know him very well...oops I didn't see their wink...they obviously do!
"And the orchestra is in @Ziggodome. #Symphonica". "We have lift off! #SymphonicaTour #Ziggodome Through of course". "False start? Orchestra stopped playing. Is George running late? ;-) #SymphonicaTour #Ziggodome...Ok now we go!..." When the Dutch Twitter Teams on the job EVERYTHING gets tweeted...Ha I love it!! Bev was also deeply dippy in the Ziggo Dome..."One more reason to love Amsterdam. Free Wi-Fi in the Venue. Bev"...OH HAPPY DAYS...OH HAPPY DA-AYS...OH HAPPY DAYS...OH HAP-PY DA-AYS...WHEN WIFI WORKED!! (That was me singing not Bev, off key {board} of course!) "Have you seen roaming data rates? ;) Bev". "But here we go Amsterdam! Opening with Through #Symphonica". I sat back all excited ready for George Michael #Twitterlive...You know it's too good to last don't you!! What's the definition of a cynic??...A realistic optimist!! "Yep just switched to data. Sigh. It was fun while it lasted - Bev." "Amazing acoustics in the #Ziggodome. George Michael plus Czech National Symphonica opened the show with Through". Next it was the swinging My Baby Just Cares For Me. "The Ziggo Dome is on their feet! Everybody already out of their seats!" That's the Dutch for you, throwing abandon (& their disco Zimmer frames) to the wind and already up and partying!!

Now I have to be serious for a moment so please be patient (I know I've already tried your patience!!) There are few entertainers who can completely change the format of their material after 30 years, take it on tour, just for the hell of it without an album to promote and put on such an expensive show; cancel half way, due to nearly popping his clogs, (sorry wee inadvertent Dutch pun there), make his fans wait a year for its resumption and get these "Fantastic", "Amazing" "Party" comments after just the first half!! Right speechifying over and back to the concert.
"Alright 3 minutes to go to the loo before the start of the second half of #Symphonica in Amsterdam Bev". Ha! Hope you weren't stuck in the middle of the row! "The Symphonica orchestra is back on stage". "Well wouldn't you know, the wifi came back up right after I bought data. #Murphyslaw Bev". "Glad you're enjoying! (the online concert updates...It was TwitterLive!). I'm by the lighting board during the show - Bev"...(Not in middle of row then Bev!). Now forgive me...You should all know by now I'm only knitting with one needle...(#Irishspeak for only half a brain), so the start of this tweet eludes me..."...they get on the right bus after show"...I'm assuming that Bev and @GeorgeMichaelNL, Dutch HQ (me's busy genuflecting every time I type in their Twitter Name), were talking about which Tour coach Bev had to take after the concert. "Don't take the wrong bus in the direction of the Czech Republic! :)" Our wonderful, talented and very zany, Czech Orchestra sadly would be on that one, as it was their last Symphonica performance. We have to say goodbye to them tonight. I'll miss them, especially our slap happy 'Madonna' on the violins!! Take care and good luck in your careers. There are a few insights into them on the @GeorgeMichaelNL informative Symphonica Tour Page under the heading 'About'. So take a little peek if you want to find out some more about them. Oh my poor knees with all this f***ing genuflecting every time I type #Youknowhat!! I SAID "FARTING" u bad minded peops, I have kids!!!

Things were moving much faster in the second half as usual and the party atmosphere was building. Not even the next soulful ballad quelled it. It was originally written in the 1940's and recorded by Nat King Cole in the '40's, Billy Holiday in the '50's and Marvin Gaye in the '60's. "'When I first heard this song it was a relevation!' You’ve Changed Bev #Symphonica". "Wow You've Changed sounded marvellous in the Ziggo Dome!" "Russian Roulette and we have stormed to the front". Told you that last ballad didn't quieten them at all. The front of stage 'Gathering' of the GM Lovelies had officially started. Next came Praying For Time..."Everybody standing #Symphonica". "One of the highlights of the concert @Ziggodome -@GeorgeMichael - Praying For Time". "Dare we say the old George Michael is back again here in the #Ziggodome? brilliant vocals! #Symphonica #GeorgeMichael"..."Not that we are biased :)". "There was Feeling Good...Lots of screaming...Waiting for George and the encore". "Bedlam".
After even more screaming...George Michael was back on stage, clearly delighted "'Let me tell you I love this F**king arena! It's true, finally you have one' #Ziggodome #GeorgeMichael #Symphonica". "He looked shocked by the noise and in disbelief, Clapped his left hand over his mouth". "George wants to see the seats at the top and wants more light. He's now going to thank everyone, band and orchestra #Symphonica". "The Czech National Symphony Orchestra is going home after this concert". "When introducing his band he (George) went wrong when he arrived at Phil Palmer, 'I know this guy for 35 years...(laughing at his own mind blank),...and this went over my head' LOL". "Before the medley George said 'Thanks for letting me thank them (the band and orchestra) and this one is for you, thanking you'"...And I want to hear every voice in this place".

"All of the Dutch press seems to think George Michael closed the show with White Light last night (as he was planning to do)." As usual the press photos were up online before the concert finished. As I've said before the press are always in a rush out the door and tend to get things 'slightly' skewd!! That’s why it is SOOOO important that you read my review and not theirs!! First I stay until the VEEERRRY end and secondly I accurately report the view of the concert goers via their tweets from the ACTUAL concert!! Well I DO!!! Just cos I put my own perverted spin on things and relentless tease the life out of all the Lovelies, doesn't mean you can't trust me!!!
"@GeorgeMichael Wow, I don't know what to say! How amazing good was this concert! Thank you so much! George! Love you!" "@GeorgeMichael gives it all @Ziggodome. A real life changing gig". "@GeorgeMichael you were wonderful once again tonight. Special shout out to video designer, brilliant and inspiring!" @GeorgeMichael was F**King good. That's what I call singing!! Absolutely amazing!! Great performance! #Love!" 'Wow you just made my year!! A BIG Thank you from Amsterdam". "Speechless so beautiful was the concert of George Michael". "George Michael rules in Ziggo Dome!!" "George Michael THE VOICE!! Absolutely class". "Thanks for an awesome evening in the Amsterdam Ziggo Dome @GeorgeMichael: Loved it". "That close? Honestly? Yes! It was fabulous, fantastic, whatever superlatives you can think of #Symphonica". Then she posted a picture of George Michael no more than a couple of feet away!!! "#Symphonica In the train, still reeling - that's how good it was. Total party, the Ziggo Dome rocking and George so happy. Magic!" "Enjoyed the show big time! Always a pleasure Mr Michael! Great looks, beautiful music and fantastic voice. #Symphonica". SEE all their own tweets accurately reported, disbelieving Thomas's.
So what DID the press make of it?? Well most by far was very positive and appreciative of this new 'Symphonica' look for George Michael. A sold out Ziggo Dome with a DIVERSE audience had a memorable evening. During My Baby Just Cares For Me, teenage girls, charming ladies and amorous damsels storm the stage and can't be got back into their seats until well the after the end of a masterful version of Father Figure. Boy are you SMOOTH Rene Duinhoven from (aptly named) Revolvers Lust For Life!! Wonder If I had called the Dutch Lovelies "charming ladies", "amorous damsels" or "teenage girls" would they be still talking to me?? He loved the jazzy covers from "a bye gone age" and the more modern ones of Sting and Roxanne, except for True Faith because the vocoder "distorted his brilliant voice"...the "Only mistake of the evening". He admired the visuals greatly and George Michael's own material, reworked and orchestrated. The medley in contrast was played only by his band was "extremely catchy and turned into one big party" with "standing ovations...it's good to be king". Similarly, Harold Versteeg from Ontopofmusic.com spoke of "pure enjoyment" and that the icing on the cake, "the real deal of the evening was I Remember You with which he thanked his audience". Veronica magazine said he was "on top form".
Metronieuws.nl had a slightly different view...George Michael did have his fans in the palms of his hands even though, had they come expecting the dance tunes of Wham they were going to get disappointed. "Instead the evening was dominated by covers and ballads and he did manage to quiet his frenzied fans." He said it, so I quote it but he has to start taking his medication again or remove the earmuffs the next time!! "His voice was faultless" and "he told his fans they were the best of the tour". "Someone held up a sign to George with 'Will You Marry Me?' written on it". "After the end of the show, the audience called him back to the stage and "they were treated to his hits". Don't you just love the bare bones of facts!! A little more flesh the next time please!
I'll leave the last two quotes to two Symphonica favourites as not only do they know what actually happened whilst they performed on stage, Henry Hey also seems to know their next destination very well too!! Jay Henry @JVoxAcademy tweeted, "Great show tonight, I really enjoyed the performance Amsterdam you are a fabulous crowd. :)" @HenryHey tweeted, "Very nice days in Amsterdam. Very nice evening here tonight. Adieu to the CNSO and onto the UK we go. Rain awaits HaHa."
We have to say hello to @anadx from Mexico who was online for this Amsterdam Symphonica. So Hello to our wee Lovely in Mexico.
My thanks as always goes to @GeorgeMichael, @GeorgeMOfficial, @GMSingers, @JVoxAcademy, @Henryhey, @THEmarkmclean, @benbutlernye, @Edthejazzman, @Marshallarts, @GeorgeMichaelNL, @GMichaelNews, @SymphonicaTour, @GMFamilyForums, @Dutchieemy, @Dutch_ada2, @Happys74, @MissHoefje, @MagdaGMfan, @Freeekmaudi, @Disney30, @sjoes, @Birmakat, @bluedressed, @n_nicolini, @DennisBeelelaar, @avdieuv, @vgeldermonique, @_ley, @xavierkat, @bartvanheugten, @marieke040, @wassilisview, @JackyDMusic, @itsme211, @Yvette_1973, @wajongjasper, @Annette_Van_S, @Andrea_H, @Nathali3e3, @carmenwestra,@martinlanghout, @invdk, @dhisyn, @Denniszwolle, @JeanJeanne, @Estherlelie, @arjenspek, @remkovanreems, @robtijssens, @jgottmers, @Raickuche, @chrislooman, @Ahmtalx, @Hansbaanstra, @Tim_Rook, @Suzandewinter, @JeroenNieuwenhuis, @Ziggodome, @nufoto & adaforshort.blogspot.com
Nufoto, Ontopofmusic.com, Volkskrant.nl, Metronieuws.nl, Podiuminfo, Veronicamagazine.nl