Sizzling Schnitzels George Michael's Back!
When last has a 41 piece classical orchestra rocked a 20,000 seater venue? When has that same 41 piece orchestra rocked itself (inclusive of the George Michael armwave) to Freedom? Answer, Germany of course!!! George Michael not only sizzled German Schnitzels he also sizzled his orchestra's!

First stop was the 11,000 seater O2 World Berlin. Next was the enormous glass pannelled fronted Cologne (Koln) Lanxess 20,000 seater Arena. Last but not least, was SAP Arena, Mannheim.
Berliner Morgenpost Thurs 8th Sept said of the Berlin concert, "George Michael...A monstrous voice that reveals why superstars are such a scarce resource" "Still fresh...dreamy moments... an evening of emotion and have to be pretty callous not to get goosebumps...After his 25 Live Tour Mr. Michael offers a different tour this time...with carefully chosen songs...and..supported by a wonderful orchestra...Fan or not this is a must see...His voice is better than ever... even lesser known songs...Going To A Town by Rufus Wainwright give you chills" B.Z. Kultur Sept 5th said, "Soft tones in Berlin... George Michael can really sing"... and in his "11,000 sellout" concert "had them out of their seats"..."with the super and orchestra".
Hamburger Abendblatt Sept 8th said "George Enchanted Berlin...Fans experienced a quiet start...Behind closed curtains came Georges subtle voice to begin the concert". The O2 described him as "an icon with one of the best voices in the music exceptional artist live...with a spectacular performance". For lucky Berliners he's coming back on the 15th of November again due to public demand.
Now back to the party at Koln! Great excitement started building outside in the queue at the Lanxess Arena. However it nearly resulted in a poor wee woman being besieged in the foyer by excited GM fans looking to pick up their tickets. Keeping calm and in control, this plucky lady not only managed to stay these hordes from outside her box office but got them to wait until 6pm until their tickets were dispensed and it "was"...then "a breeze." As a former theatre box-office manager there's no way I'd want to tell GM fans I DIDN'T have their tickets!
"Trauma" over some of these lucky fans proceeded to the front centre rows from where they would post pics & videos for the rest of us to drool over. While settling down for the show some of these naughty Lovelies wondered how much would be left of the red, resplendant stage curtain if everyone cut a bit off as a souvenir as the tour progressed! We're in for a rumbustious night! The auditorium was buzzing with anticipation and frustration. "We are taking our seats in the middle of the front row....", ....Where r u? I can Google Translate even in Dutch ladies!!! Some Tweets would go some wouldn't! Then a slow hush as the orchestra could be heard behind the endangered souvenir stage curtain! "The orchestra started bang on tune up!"
A few minutes later the orchestra could still be heard "fiddling away". The lights dim and the orchestra strikes up in harmonious earnest, then an all too familiar vocal is heard and George Michael emerges slowly from a shadowy stage in magnificent voice. The Party has started and the fans respond with exuberant applause. George relaxes into a mischievous grin and playtime begins..."I had a great time in Berlin but I'll probably have a better time here tonight". "I've a feeling you'll make more noise"! Holding the mike to the audience he says "make some noise" they comply without hesitation.
George swings into My Baby Just Cares For Me and the Koln literally swings with him. Kissing A Fool follows and the crowd is wrapped around his little finger already three songs in. Throughout he nonchalantly sits swinging on a stool talking and introducing songs as if he was speaking to an old valued friend. During his performance he effortlessly conducts his audience as well as his orchestra with a subconscious, creative swirl of his left hand. The whole auditorium synchronizes with this rhythmic maestro. He at will commands them up on their feet and other times his voice & flawless orchestration leaves them in awed silence. He has them giggling, hanging on his every word, empathizing with him and loving every minute.
Songs are posted as he sings them and offers proof, if its needed that he's mixing things up a little and having fun. "There was a standing ovation to You Have Been Loved, dedicated to his mum & Anselmo", "Gorgeous arrangement of A Different Corner", "George should record the Rihanna song", "standing ovation for Russian Roulette" and "Orchestra follows perfectly on Wild Is The Wind". Where I Hope You Are had "no intro, 'Just for Kenny'... you could hear the pain in his voice".
Personal comments keep coming from his Twitter Lovelies "crowd very loud George is enjoying himself", "Oh my God only two metres between me and George!", "George doesn't chat much during this second half". But if George Michael ever had any doubts about his voice being overwhelmed by the sheer majesty of a world class orchestra then these next quotes should keep him centred..."Oh my God goosebumps what a voice", "heaven so clear so close", "What a genius what a voice" George wraps up Koln with I Remember You with a beautiful harp solo and tells the crowd "you've been fantastic".
My humble thanks goes to the thoughtful and reliable @GeorgeMichael, @GeorgeMOfficial, @GeorgeMichaelNL, @GeorgeMichaelNews, @Leosmusic, @Dutch_ada & @Dutchieemy. Without their dedication, organization and brillant posts to the rest of us Twtter Lovelies, we wouldn't be able to share in their concert experiences. Without them I could not provide these overviews of such wonderful musical galas.
New to the George Michael Twitter "Concert Going" Tweeting team is; @O2WorldBerlin, @marj1972, @Bluesky001, @nittygritty, @scrodd23, @AnnemiekGM, @briglegee, @tickledpink, @melodiesunshine, @magdaGMfan, @Nicolady87, @Maizen2, @nao-pon, @Kay_Y anar, @Disney30, @carone96, @magreetvog, @a_while007, @ivdf10 & @rcmemebrulee
I am constantly amazed at the endless talent and ingenuity of these Lovelies. They not only take the time and make the effort in the middle of their concert to share but afterwards they compile such professional sleek quality uploads of their concerts that have to be praised. Pictures, videos & blogs on websites (some beautifully written), Facebook, YouTube, even compilations of best fans concert videos and an Impression of Herning is all there for the rest of us to enjoy with them.
Also offered are handy links to press reviews, concert competitions including a free ticket for Koln & another free years ACCESS membership, radio interviews with George himself, realtime updates of setlists & playlists and news of souvenir ticket issuing. There was also news of George Michaels backing singers now on twitter in search of followers. Tweet Tweet then Lori & Sharon Perry, Shirley Lewis and Lucy Jules, hint, hint! Breaking news was announced in Mannheim that "George just made it official that he will release Where I Hope You Are as a single" and an unused ticket (front row for Italy) was offered for an upcoming concert.
These little gems all abound from Georges Twitter concert going following to keep the rest of us up to speed. Thanks to @GeorgeMichaelNL, @SymphonicaTour for retweeting them and getting them out into a central forum. Sometimes @GeorgeMOffical retweets from @Symphonicatour & GeorgeMichaelNL as well.
George himself asks his Lovelies for help to links as well from time to time. Only the other day he asked for a link to sponsor his friend David Walliams' mammoth 140 mile swim of the Thames River in London. This charity event is also being updated live on Twitter by @SportRelief with active sponsorship links and sites. @Sportsrelief itself speaking about the amazing effort of David Walliams sponsered swim that "Twitter is driving this baby so be proud".
It was from one of these handy links from the GM Twitter team that I learned of a competition at Heart Radio London. This week they have been offering several sets of free tickets for the Earls Courts London concerts. I also got the link for a radio interview George did on Thursday from Germany with Heart Radio.
When asked about performing in historic opera houses all over Europe where no pop artist has performed before, he said he enjoyed the audiences more than the buildings. Hes mixing up the setlists because he wants it to more accurately reflect his own timeline. Whist looking over his choices he has realised that they songs are very autobiographical and he wants them to appear in a more relevant time order on the setlists.
When asked about his orchestra, he said they were getting on too well with each other and having more fun than him. Maybe the Family Guy JimJams he was wearing for the breakfast phone interview might explain why! Mental Pictures folks!!! Could they be worse than the string vest he wore in a comedy bed sketch with Ricky Gervais! Would you be taken the Mickey ever so slightly there Mr Michael?
Next stop Florence in Italy, so calling all concert going Italian fans, please get tweeting. Have Google Translate--Need to follow Italian George Michael official fan club! Il buono Twitter di Signor di Sera. Dove e il fanclub ufficiale di George Michael devo seguirla!