George Michael 'Return Of Symphonica'

Such is the power of A George Michael #TwitterLive Vienna Come Back Concert!
Back from his near death experience in this very city, barely 10 months ago, he celebrated his return to health and musical superstardom by performing to a capacity crowd of 16,000. They filled the complex, octagonal seating layout of the Weiner Stadhalle.
This special audience included his Father, his best friend, partner Fadi Fawaz and the medical staff of the AKH Hospital that saved his life. He generously donated 1,000 tickets to the staff for last night’s performance. It’s reported that 300 doctors, nurses & ancillary hospital staff were present. With his permission the hospital put the remainder 700 tickets on sale and raised over 60,000 Euros for Lung Research.

In case you’re wondering about this very Un-Twitterlite format... I’ve been sanctioned due to space requirements! No not sectioned! Although that might be a handy defence for when my next defamatory Vienna Twitterlight review is published on the George Michael Dutch, French & English Twitter fan sites, (@GeorgeMichaelNL, @GeorgeMichaelNews & @GMFamilyForums). But I digress, back to the #TwitterLive concert facts.

Next a beautiful Sax solo accompanied the long time crowd favourite, Cowboys And Angels. If there was any worries about his voice the next tweets took care of it. "George was doing some gymnastics with his voice...playing with high and lower notes! Amazing". "George Michael’s voice sounds Amazingly powerful and clear!" "He sounds...unbelievable". "George doesn’t hold back now". "#Georgeisback Volume 100% #Symphonica2". "You know that note in Wild Is The Wind? Yeah, that one. Chills!" "...He’s never sounded better!". George said "Doesn’t it feel great to be alive?"
The second half opened with another set list change for 2012 Waiting For That Day and George in a dark suit with a black shirt. The crowd, who before, were well behaved, opened up and showed their appreciation. As usual the gloves were now off and so was the roof! "...the venue is now on their feet!...and dancing!" "Wiener Stadthalle has no roof anymore! :-0 Really crazy here"
"George says, ‘Come on sing with me’, ‘Come on louder'". ‘Now you do it, last sentence...You can’t always get what you want. But you can try. You bring luck to me".

"I’d like to take this opportunity to say that there are a number of people without whom none of us would be here tonight. This is one of the greatest honours of my life to sing to the men and women who saved my life". George Michael flawlessly then performed his version of Nina Simone’s I’m Feeling Good, as requested by one of the doctors. The whole venue at this stage was going crazy..."People are swaying their arms, the orchestra is just about to drop to the floor laughing so to speak :-)". "We’ve got some Stamp McStampers in the crowd, pleading for an encore :-) #Symphonica - Bev". "@GMSingers are already highfiving and rightly so, their contribution was extra special as they supported George 1,000% tonight." "I’m Your Man! Such a party". "Audience likes the George Michael/@GMSingers sandwich". Amazing and Freedom made up the explosive dance trilogy.